Red Weather Alert

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The weather is diabolical, the roads treacherous and the wind chill factor enough to freeze anatomical parts of brass monkeys. A don’t think I can ever remember a RED weather alert – we get plenty of YELLOWS in Central Scotland and I do remember some AMBERS.  It is a worry if you have loved ones out on the road. Dorothy and I are at home today by a warm fire. Our daughter is a teacher and the school is closed for at least today and tomorrow. And our son reports NO snow in the town he lives in in Switzerland although it is very cold there. So we can relax and not worry about their safety.

My recommendation to all is to bunker down, have a coffee/tea/glass of wine/large whisky (whatever takes your fancy) but most importantly with a good book to read. Alternatively, a good book to listen to as A Million Tears is now available as an audio book from Audible. It’s narrated by yours truly though my dulcet Welsh tones don’t quite have the timbre and depth of Richard Burton!  Audible also have a special deal if you take out a subscription – I believe you get the first book free.  The book is unabridged and almost 20 hours of listening!

My latest novel, “Retribution”, a TIFAT thriller is also available from any good bookshop or directly from me.

Happy reading and stay safe and warm.

